May 2, 2022 Meeting Minutes Highlights

REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING  (Old & New Business; Open to Citizens)

New Business (Open to Citizens):

Emily Lochirco announced the Parks Committee will have their 1st meeting on Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at the Kemner Building at 7 pm.  The Committee is requesting Town input on repairs and improvements to the Town Park and Town Square.

Old Business:      none

Open to Citizens:       (under New Business)



Treasurer’s Report:

1.)Treasurer’s Report and check expenditures were approved.                                                                                                    2.)ARPA expenditures report submitted by Ellen Knoernschild.


1.)Eff 4-15-22: $6.92 for March Collections.                                                                                                                                    2.)Sign permit of $10.00 for Augusta PTO.                                                                                                                                      3.)Business Licenses submitted for Halcyon Spa ($50.00 for 2 @ $25.00).                                                                            4.)$1,000.00 Conditional Use Permit for 233 Jackson St. from Hoffman Companies.

Public Works:

1.)Dave Lorenz will take over Ken Campbell’s duties of general maintenance around Town at the rate of $25/hour.  2.)Patrick Makin to paint around Town and repair History Museum shutters and hardware.                                            3.)Bill 2022-04 approved as Ordinance 2022-04 for Bill Hampton Enterprises to provide Right of Way acquisition.

Farm Report:

1.)Re-bid needed for the Levee repair.                                                                                                                                              2.)Fields are still too wet for any farming or plowing.

Zoning & Planning

Discussion about re-zoning 233 Jackson Street from residential to commercial.  The ruling for the re-zoning request is on hold until the June 6 meeting.  To avoid fines, Sign Permits need to be submitted for the Clothing Store at 5573 Walnut Street, Cranberry Cottage at 5557 Walnut Street, 233 Jackson Street, and the Cabins at 210 Ferry Street by May 13, 2022.

History & Museum

1.)Plant Sale made $250 profit.                                                                                                                                                          2.)Museum meeting on May 10, 2022 at 6:30pm to discuss Museum repairs.

Chamber of Commerce:

1.)Visitor’s Center open on Fri – Sun from 10 am – 5 pm.                                                                                                              2.)Plein Air Art paintings sold for $107,784.                                                                                                                                    3.)Two Scholarships were also awarded from the Plein Air proceeds.

Other Committees:

Tree Committee:

1.)Town of Augusta celebrates 13 years as a Tree City.                                                                                                                  2.)Arbor Day Proclamation read by Ellen Knoernschild.


May 7, 2022                 Washington, MO Veterinary Clinic from noon – 1 pm at the Kemner Building

June 6, 2022                Next Town Board meeting at 7:00 pm in the Town Hall

April 4, 2022 Meeting Minutes Highlights

REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING  (Old & New Business; Open to Citizens)

New Business

  • Approved an Ordinance to pay the Zoning Commissioner an hourly rate of $28.80/hr for the Zoning Commission work performed.

Old Business

  • Hoffman updates are in Open to Citizens.

Open to Citizens:   Don Simon, Hoffman’s Representative, spoke to the citizens and expressed positive motives and plans for the Hoffman’s Family of Companies.


  • Treasurer’s Report:   -Treasurer’s Report was approved.                                                                                                           -ARPA expenditures report for Mar 3 thru Mar 31st submitted by Ellen Knoernschild.
  • Collector:   –Eff 3-15-22: $95.02 for February 2022 Collections.                                                                                              –Land Use Permits (2 @ $50.00) for Janit Cross and Aleman Builders.                                                                                              –Business Licenses submitted (9 @ $25.00) for Miss Rhineland Tours, Ozark Hospitality, Good News Brewery, Red Brick Inn, Swan Haven Inn, Hoffman Gator Tours, Hoffman Gas Station, Mt. Pleasant Winery, and Hoffman Guest Home.
  • Public Works:   -Various pot holes have been patched.          -Visitor Center clean up went well.                                      -We’ve received 3 bids for asphalt paving. Approved an additional $3,000 to the already approved $17,500 for asphalt repair.                -Approved $4,000 for paint for the History Museum.                                                                             -Mowing bids submitted and reviewed.  Approved mowing bids by Trei Irwin and Bill Harrison.
  • Farm:    No updates.
  •  Zoning & Planning:   -Zoning Commissioner gave an update on the Vacation Rental Dwellings by Owner moratorium.          -Zoning Commission received a request to change 233 Jackson St from Residential to Commercial.          -Zoning Commission meetings are Apr 12th & 25th.
  • History & Museum:   -Open House Apr 30th from 11am to 3pm.     -Museum meeting Apr 12th.
  • Chamber:   –We have 90 artists signed up for the Plein Air event from April 20th thru the 30th.-April 30th will be the Art Sale at the Kemner Building.
  • Other Committees:  No reports.


April 20 – 30, 2022 (11 days)       PLEIN AIR Art Festival event in the Greater Augusta community

April 30, 2022                                  PLEIN AIR Art Sale at the Kemner Building

April 30, 2022                                  History Museum Open House (11 am – 3 pm)

May 2, 2022                                      Next Town Board Meeting

May 7, 2022                                      Rabies Clinic (noon – 1 pm)

March 7, 2022 Meeting Highlights

REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING  (Old & New Business; Open to Citizens)

New Business

  • Town Board Election coming up on April 5, 2022.
  • Bulk Trash pickup on April 4, 2022.
  • Rabies Clinic rescheduled for May 7, 2022.

Old Business

  • Mowing bids scheduled for the April meeting.
  • Still looking for a Parks Committee.  The suggestion is for at least 5 committee members.
  • Renovations on the Wine Hall by Hoffman are in progress.
  • The next Best of Augusta” Photo Contest is for kids 12 & under in September of 2022.  Kathy Miller, the new editor after Dianne Rashid’s retirement, is encouraging us to continue writing a monthly article to keep the “Best of Augusta” Photo Contest in the forefront of the readers of the  Boone Country Connection.  Some of our entries have noted that the BCC is the place that they first became aware of the photo contest.

Open to Citizens    No signups.


  • Treasurer’s Report:  -Treasurer’s Report was approved.
  • Collector:    Business Licenses submitted (14 @ $25.00) for Augusta Gift Shop, Augusta Clothing Company, Stone Ledge Antiques, Lindenhof B&B, Root Hospitality, Country Side Brokers, Nadler Drafting, Hedrick Brothers, Centennial Farms, Pitman Funeral Home, Augusta Glass, Conservatory, American Kitchen, and Quaint Airbnb.    -Eff 2-15-22: $136.80 for January 2022 Collections.    -Eff 2-28-22: $3,145.71 for Annual SUR Tax.
  • Public Works:    -Special thanks to Mike, Kale and Clint for the brush clean up at the yard waste dumpster.    -Working on obtaining blacktop & asphalt bids.    -Discussion from an Ebenezer Church representative about the procedure for repairs on the sidewalk and steps at the Church.
  • Farm:    No report.
  •  Zoning & Planning:   -Zoning Commissioner presented updated Permit Application forms for Land Use, Conditional Use, Sign and Rezoning for approval.  Town Board approved the recommendations for the updated Permit Application forms.    -Zoning Commission gave an update on the Vacation Rental Dwellings by Owner moratorium by sharing the ideas and concerns that were discussed at the Public Hearing.
  • History & Museum:  No report.
  • Chamber:  Plein Air Art Festival will be held the 20th thru 30th of April.  The Chamber has submitted a street closure request for the 30th of April from 7am to 5pm for the Final Art Sale.  Approved.    -Request from the Chamber to Businesses and Residents for additional housing for Artists coming from out of town.
  • Other Committees:  No reports.


April 4, 2022 (Monday)               Bulk Trash Pickup

April 5, 2022 (Tuesday)               Election of Town Board Trustees

April 20 – 30, 2022 (11 days)       PLEIN AIR Art Festival

May 7, 2022                                     Rabies Clinic (noon – 1 pm)