May 6, 2024 Town Board Meeting Minutes & Highlights

05/06/2024 Meeting Highlights 

UPCOMING EVENTS  (more information under EVENTS)

05/07 –  Open Jam Session at the Harmonie Verein                                         05/12 – Baseball under the Lights (6:00 pm, Ballfield)

05/12 – MOTHER’S DAY                                                                         05/14 – Tell It Like It Was –  Wanda Howell  (6:30, Harmonie Verein)

05/18 – Augusta Ramble – 4 & 20: Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Tribute     05/19 – Baseball under the Lights (6:00 pm, Ballfield)

05/27 – Memorial Day Service at Augusta Cemetery (10 am)                          05/26 – Baseball under the Lights (6:00 pm, Ballfield)

06/01 – Augusta Wine & Jazz Fest, all day                                                           06/02 – Baseball under the Lights (6:00 pm, Ballfield)

06/02 – “Volkfest” (1 – 4 pm, History Museum)                                                  06/03 – Town Board Meeting (6:30, Town Hall)

  • Memorial for Bob Hofer consists of a tree, already planted, and a bench.  The Town Board and citizens present chose a dark composite park bench with an engraving in the bench recognizing Bob and his service to the Town of Augusta.
  • Plans for the Town Square gazebo are coming together.  It was decided to purchase a kit since the engineering designs are already included.  It’s a simple design that includes the 24 foot metal roof, 8 vertical posts, and colored stains.  There are two companies who are interested in bidding.  Discussion was lively.
  • The Plein Air was successful.  There were 98 artists; 67 of them were placed in volunteer housing in the area.  They took in $83,000 with around $20,000 in profit that will benefit Augusta.  The Harvest Festival is coming up next in September.
  • The History Museum’s Plant Sale on May 4th took in about $400 in profits.  The Volkfest will be on June 2 with brats, homemade sauerkraut, homemade pickles, warm pretzels, and beer samples from Good News Brewery.
  • The second arbor was finished in time for the Plein Air.  Wild grapevines will be planted to grow up and around the arbors.
  • Cochran Engineering is submitting plans to MODOT for the sidewalk grant.
  • Money for sidewalk repairs at Lower and Walnut has been approved ($2,300).
  • Directional Sign committee is being formed to place signage around Augusta to point the way to various places.
  • Augusta is putting together an Emergency Disaster Plan
  • A representative from the University of Missouri Extension outlined opportunities to enhance the awareness of the Town of Augusta in  St. Charles County.  SHOW ME NEIGHBORHOOD ART WEEK from June 8 – 15 invites homeowners to decorate their houses with art, such as a collection of flags  or other pieces of art.  For more information visit:

Minutes from April 8, 2024 Town Board Meeting

MINUTES April 8, 2024  (First Meeting)

Special Meeting Election Results

Town of Augusta Missouri

Dan Kemner Building


Trustees Present:

Joe Buchheit               Chairman               

Ellen Knoernschild        Treasurer   

Laura Miller                   Clerk

Randal Oaks                  Public Works                 

Rick Barton                    Secretary/Collector

 Citizens Present:  3

Time: 6:30pm      

 Town Board Meeting Election Results

 Election Results Town of Augusta Board of Trustees as follows:

          1.1 Randal Oaks  23 votes

          1.2 Rick Barton   21 votes      

 Motion made by Rick Barton to accept the St. Charles County Election results from the April 2, 2024 Election as read.

 Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.    

 Meeting closed at 6:34pm


Special Meeting  (Second Meeting)

Town of Augusta Missouri

Dan Kemner Building

 Trustees Present:

Joe Buchheit                   Chairman                

Ellen Knoernschild        Treasurer

Laura Miller                   Clerk

Randal Oaks                  Public Works

Rick Barton          Secretary/Collector

 Citizens Present: 3

Time: 6:34pm      

 Town Board Meeting Organization

 Town Trustee duties assigned as follows:

          1.1     Joe Buchheit           Chairman

          1.2     Ellen Knoernschild Treasurer

          1.3     Randal Oaks          Director Public Works

          1.4     Laura Miller       Clerk

          1.5     Rick Barton        Secretary/Collector/Notary

 Motion made by Rick Barton to accept the Town Trustee Organization duties.

          2.1     Seconded by Randal Oaks and approved.

 Special meeting closed at 6:35pm.    


Minutes April 8, 2024  (Third Meeting)

Town of Augusta, Missouri

Dan Kemner Building

Trustees Present:

Joe Buchheit                   Chairman

Ellen Knoernschild         Treasurer

Laura Miller                   Clerk

Randal Oaks           Public Works

Rick Barton                    Secretary/Collector/Notary

Citizens Present: 9

Town Board meeting called to order at 7:00pm

  1. Minutes: 3/11/2024

1.1   Motion made by Rick Barton to accept the 3/11/2024 Minutes as presented.

1.2   Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.

  1. Treasurer’s and Budget Report: 3/31/2024

2.1   Motion made by Rick Barton to accept the Treasurer’s & Budget report for 3/31/2024 as presented.

2.2   Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.

  1. Checks: 12428 – 12450

3.1   Motion made by Rick Barton to approve checks 12428 – 12450 as written.

3.2   Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.

  1. Collector’s Report:

4.1 Eff 3-15-24 February collections $6139.85

4.2 ck 1118 $50 Indian Creek LLC 2 Bus Licenses

  1. Public Works:

5.1   Town Square up date given by Randal Oaks.

5.2   Town Square fence completed. Looks good.

5.3   Suggestion to add a second Arbor.

5.4   Drain at Lower and Main needs repair.

5.5   Motion made by Rick Barton to allocate $1500 for

Drain repair at Lower and Main.

5.6   Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.

Committee Reports

  1. Zoning and Planning: no report at this time.

7. Chamber of Commerce:

        7.1   Motion made by Rick Barton to accept the street closure request for the Plein Air Event.

        7.2   Seconded by Randal Oaks and approved.

  1. Farm Report: no report at this time.

9. Museum Report:

9.1   Kitchen door weather strip need repaired.

9.2   Tell it Like it Was April 9th

9.3   Plant Sale May 4th

  1. Tree Committee Report: no report at this time.
  2. Old Business: no report at this time.
  3. New Business:

12.1 Augusta 4 C’s LLC Annexation to the Town of Augusta.

12.2 Motion made by Rick Barton to accept 4 C’s LLC letter of request to Annex 59.01 acres to the Town of Augusta.

12.3 Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.

  1. Open to Citizens:

13.1 Ginny Mezei discussed Emergency Management and presented detailed diagram of Operations. Good job.

  1. Gay Eskew Report:

14.1 Congratulations to Rick Barton and Randal Oaks on their respective election wins to member seats on the Town Board.

“Best of Augusta” Photo Contest

What are some fun things to do in Augusta?  What makes visiting or living in this town so unique?  Try to capture these thoughts through Kodak moments.  Up to 4 photos will be selected for Town postcards.  Take your best shot!

This contest for all ages ends at the end of the month.  Photo contest entries need to arrive at the Augusta Post Office by Monday, May 6.

  1. Meeting adjourned at pm. Next meeting 5/6/2024 at 6:30pm

Respectfully Submitted:

Richard J. Barton



Town Board Meeting – March 11, 2024

Minutes March 11, 2024
Town of Augusta, Missouri
Dan Kemner Building
Trustees Present:
Joe Buchheit     Chairman
Ellen Knoernschild  Treasurer
Laura Miller Clerk
Randal Oaks        Public Works
Rick Barton     Secretary/Collector/Notary
Citizens Present: 22
Town Board meeting called to order at 7:00pm
1. Minutes: 2/05/2024
1.1Motion made by Rick Barton to accept the 2/05/24 Minutes as presented.
  1.2 Seconded by Randal Oaks and approved.
2. Treasurer’s and Budget Report: 2/29/2024
2.1Motion made by Rick Barton to accept the Treasurer’s & Budget report for 2/29/2024 as presented.
2.2 Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.
3. Checks: 12390 – 12427
3.1Motion made by Rick Barton to approve checks 12390 – 12427 as written.
  3.2 Seconded by Randal Oaks and approved.
4. Collector’s Report:
4.1Eff 2-29-24 $38.66 2023 Tax season earned interest
4.2ck 2028 $10 Sign Permit s2024-01 Holy Grail
4.3ck 10129 $500 C.U.P Ashley Hesjedal
4.4ck 505 $25 Bus Lic Red Brick Inn
4.5ck 10016 $100 Rockwood Asset Mgmt 6 LLC
4.6ck 1077 $25 Bus Lic Honey Bee Vineyard
4.7ck 2644 $25 Bus Lic Root Hospitality
4.8ck 1029 $25 Bus Lic Holy Grail Winery
4.9ck 1018 $25 Bus Lic Honeyridge Hideaway
4.10ck 1513 $50 Bus Lic Ozark Hospitality/HS Clay
4.11ck 10128 $25 Bus Lic Rune Holdings LLC
4.12 ck 1893 $25 Bus Lic Mt Pleasant Winery
4.13 ck 3080 $25 Bus Lic Hoffman Gator Tours
4.14 ck 3090 $25 Bus Lic Hoffman Gas Station
4.15 ck 3152 $25 Bus Lic Augusta Clothing Store
4.16 ck 1330 $25 Bus Lic Hoffman Augusta Gallery
4.17 ck 2278 $25 Bus Lic The Emporium
4.18 ck 2277 $50 Bus Lic Augusta Wine Co. & Beer Garden.
4.19 ck 3074 $50 Bus Lic Hoffman Guest Homes
4.20 ck 1078 $200 STR Honey Bee Vineyard LLC
4.21 ck 1060 $200 STR The Cottage LLC
5. Public Works:
5.1There was an unusually high water bill for excess water usage in question.
5.2Motion made by Rick Barton to approve $788 in addition to the already approved $1000 for the Post Office door repair.
5.3Seconded by Randal Oaks and approved.
5.4Mowing bids read and accepted.
5.5Motion made by Rick Barton to accept Bill Harrison’s mowing bid for City Park of $235, Library of $70, Common ground of $62, Visitors Center of $40, Ballfield and Parking Area of $175 and extra work hourly rate of $50 an hour.
5.6Seconded by Randal Oaks and approved.
Committee Reports:
6. Zoning and Planning:
6.1Conditional Use Permit c2024-01
6.2Motion made by Rick Barton to approve C.U.P 2024-01 at 162 Jackson St.
6.3Seconded by Randal Oaks and approved.
6.4Motion made by Rick Barton to approve Sign Permit s2024-01 at 5506 Locust.
6.5Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.
7. Chamber of Commerce:
7.165 Artist signed up for Plein Air event.
7.2Chamber meeting 3/12
7.3Wandering Owl opening on April 5th
7.4Working on AVA Celebration for June
7.5Street closures will be approved in April
8. Parks Committee: no report
9.Farm Report: no report
10. Museum Report:
10.1Garden work in progress
10.2Museum meeting March 14th
10.3Museum open Sunday May 4th
10.4Tell it “Like it Was” by Vic & Ruth Ann Brown
11. Tree Committee Report: no report
12. Old Business:
12.1 Side Walk Grand update given.
13. New Business:
13.1Bill Introduced to Annex approx 28 acres to the Town of Augusta read by Title Only 1st reading.
13.2Clerk assigns Bill 2024-04.
13.3Bill 2024-04 Annexation to the Town of Augusta read by Title Only 2nd reading.
13.4Motion made by Rick Barton to accept Bill 2024-04 as Ordinance 2024-04.
13.5Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.
13.6Big Trash Day April 8th
13.7Election reminder for April 2nd. Two candidates.
14. Open to Citizens:
14.4 Mike Delay questions on Property Inspections.
14.5 Ginny Mezei discussion on Disaster Plan
This contest focuses on what makes Augusta unique.  What photos would make awesome postcards to showcase the Town of Augusta?
Photographers are checking out the unique aspects of Augusta.
One prize includes a $25.00 gift certificate from Halcyon Spa.  Would the Town be willing to donate a $25.00 cash prize?
A contest entry form and one printed photograph can be mailed to the Town PO Box 42 anytime in April and received by May 6th.
Each postcard will recognize the photographer; and in the possibility of more than one photograph per postcard, all of the photographers that contributed to the postcard will be identified.
There will be up to 4 postcards printed.  The goal is have them ready for sale by the September Harvest Festival.
I am looking for individuals to help sponsor a stipend for postcard type photographs that have been accepted for printing.
Our desire is to “invite” visitors to the Town of Augusta through postcards
15. Meeting adjourned at 8:21pm. Next meeting 5/6/2024 at 6:30pm
Respectfully Submitted:
Richard J. Barton