February 3, 2025 Town Board Minutes
Minutes February 3, 2025
Town of Augusta, Missouri
Dan Kemner Building
Trustees Present:
Joe Buchheit Chairman
Ellen Knoernschild Treasurer
Laura Miller Clerk
Randal Oaks Public Works
Rick Barton Secretary/Collector/Notary
Citizens Present: 21
Town Board meeting called to order at 6:30pm.
Minutes: 1/9/2025
1.1 Motion made by Rick Barton to accept the 1/9/2024 Minutes as presented.
1.2 Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.
- Treasurer’s and Budget Report: 1/31/2025
2.1 Motion made by Rick Barton to accept the Treasurer’s and Budget Report for 1/31/2024 as presented.
2.2 Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.
- Checks: 12799 – 12805
3.1 Motion made by Rick Barton to approve checks 12799 – 12805 including voided check 12791 as written.
3.2 Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.
- Collector’s Report:
4.1 Eff 1/16/2025 15,634.88 final distribution.
- Public Works:
5.1 Asphalt is in and ready for pot hole repair.
5.2 We are waiting for a start date approval from MODOT on the sidewalk project.
Committee Reports:
- Zoning and Planning: no report given
- Chamber of Commerce:
7.1 April 7th is Bulk P/U Day.
7.2 Athletic equipment in the Visitors Center basement is up for donation.
7.3 approximately 53 artist for the Plein Air event.
7.4 Movie night 4th Friday Apr – Sep.
Farm Report: no report given.
- Museum Report:
9.1 High water bill at the museum is being investigated.
9.2 Feb 11th Ray Neuberger “Tell it like it was.”
- Tree Committee Report: no report given
- Old Business:
11.1 Motion made by Rick Barton to approve up to $3000 for 2 pallets of Asphalt.
11.2 Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.
- New Business:
12.1 Mowing bids are being accepted.
12.2 Motion made by Rick Barton accept Danny Zull to serve on the Cemetery Committee.
12.3 Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.
- Open to Citizens: Tom Whelan
13.1 Tom Whelan gave a report on “Home Rules for Roads Home.”
Gay Eskew Report:
- Best of Augusta” Photo Contest
The article in the Boone Country Connection for February mentions the top current business donors for the photo contests.
Augusta Winery was #1. Halcyon Spa was #2 and Stone Ledge Antiques was #3. A couple of others tied for third place, but are not currently open or have been sold.
The article also includes a Photo Tip from a local photographer, Angela Stephens. Others will be contacted in the months to come when there are no upcoming “Best of Augusta” Photo Contest. The priority is upcoming photo contest. One of the goals of the contests is to improve photo-taking skills on all age levels. Even photography experts might be able to learn something new!
The BCC will be distributed this Friday, February 7, 2025.The Town Website
After checking the Town of Augusta business licenses, some of the businesses are not listed on the website. This will be rectified as soon as possible. Wineries are good. Stores and services have some places missing, as well as a few restaurants. The last category of places to stay needs the most fixing. I’ll be in contact with owners and managers to obtain photos and contact information for their short term rental or bed & breakfast. - Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm. Next meeting on 3/3/2025 at 6:30pm.
Respectfully Submitted:
Richard J. Barton