June 5, 2023 Town Board Minutes





Minutes June 5, 2023

Town of Augusta, Missouri

Dan Kemner Building


Trustees Present:

Joe Buchheit                   Chairman

Ellen Knoernschild         Treasurer

Laura Miller                   Clerk

Randal Oaks           Public Works

Rick Barton                    Secretary/Collector/Notary


Citizens Present: 18


Town Board meeting called to order at 7:00pm


  1. Minutes: May 1, 2023

1.1   Motion made by Rick Barton to accept the May 1, 2023 Minutes as presented.

1.2   Seconded by Ellen Knoernschild and approved.

  1. Treasurer’s Report: May 31, 2023

2.1   Motion made by Rick Barton to accept the Treasurer and Budget report for May 31, 2023 as presented.

2.2   Seconded by Randal Oaks and approved.

  1. Checks Report: 12036 – 12077

3.1   Motion made by Rick Barton to approve checks 12036 – 12077 as written.

3.2   Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.

  1. Collector’s Report:

4.1 Eff 5-15-23 $1.63 for April Collections

4.2 Ck 8691 $500 Conditional Use Permit Application at 5568 Main St for Bed and Breakfast.


  1. Public Works:

5.1   Update given by Randal Oaks on the Public meeting held to discuss Town Square improvements.

5.2   Plumber contacted to fix and repair restroom toilets.

5.3   Randal Oaks suggested sending a letter of thanks to Key Equipment for the outstanding job of street sweeping for the Plein Air event.

5.4   Town of Augusta received a check for $500 from Ashley Hesjedal to go toward the Town Square improvements and a Memorial for Robert “Bob” Hofer.

5.5   History Museum retaining wall completed.

5.6   Motion made by Rick Barton to allocate $2000 for erosion repair at Public & Fifth and Lower & Main St.

5.7   Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.

Committee Reports:

  1. Zoning and Planning:

6.1   Zoning Commission received a CK 8691 for a Conditional Use Permit at 5568 Main St to operate a Bed and Breakfast from Tom Conboy. Public Hearing was held and the recommendation from the Zoning Commission was to approve the application 2023-03.

6.2   Motion made by Rick Barton to approve Conditional Use Permit 2023-03 at 5568 Main St to operate a Bed and Breakfast in the Town of Augusta.

6.3   Seconded by Randal Oaks and approved.

6.4   Hostel and Kickstand situation still in process.

  1. Chamber of Commerce:

        7.1   September Harvest Festival preparations are underway as well as preparations for the Christmas Walk.

7.2   Chamber is meeting with New Melle and Defiance Chamber Association discussing helping with Tourism.

  1. Parks Committee: no report given
  2. Farm Report: no report given
  3. Museum Report:

10.1 Don Struckoff will host “Tell it Like it Was” on June 20, 2023 at History Museum.

10.2 Museum Garden planting completed by Town and Country.

10.3 Next meeting 6/8/23.

  1. Tree Committee Reports: no report given
  2. Open to Citizens:

12.1 Tim Kampen made a suggestion of utilizing the Ball Field for a Sunday Night Baseball. Joe Buchheit suggested forming a committee for this event.

12.2 Cemetery committee will begin removing dead trees and replacing them with Maple trees.

  1. Old Business:

13.1 Hoffman Family of Companies are hiring for several positions. Jobs can be found on In Need Augusta Missouri,

  1. New Business:

14.1 Introduce Bill for Animal Ordinance by St Charles County read 1st reading by Title Only.

14.2 Clerk assigned Bill 2023-09

14.3 Bill 2023-09 Animal Ordinance read 2nd time by Title Only.

14.4 Motion made by Rick Barton to accept Bill 2023-09 as Ordinance 2023-09.

14.5 Seconded by Randal Oaks and approved.

14.6 Discussion on possible moving of mail boxes at the Post Office. Moved to discuss at next meeting in July.

14.7 Gay Eskew report: “Best of Augusta” Photo Contest —  Winners from the Spring 2023 Contest are:  FIRST PLACE is Lisa Tucker of Augusta with her photo titled “Come Sit Among the Tulips” and RUNNER UP is Scott Knoche of Defiance with a photo titled “Off Season in the Bottoms.”  Lisa’s prize was donated by Quaint, Cozy & Quiet Airbnb for a $25 Gift Certificate to a participating Augusta business.  Scott’s prize was a $25 Gift Certificate to Halcyon Spa.  Thank you to all who submitted photos. Congratulations Lisa and Scott.


14.8 Town Square Illustration Concept for playground equipment, gazebo and walkway design presented by Randal Oaks and Don Simon of Hoffman Company reviewed and discussed. Phase 1 of this project in process.


  1. Meeting adjourned at 9:07pm. Next meeting 07/10/2023 at 7:00pm





Respectfully Submitted:


Richard J. Barton



May 1, 2023 Town Board Events, Meeting Highlights & Official Minutes

Town of Augusta Calendar of Events

May 6 (Saturday)                              History Museum Plant Sale

May 7 (Sunday)  1 – 4 pm                 Open House at the History Museum

May 13 (Saturday) 12 – 1 pm          Spring Vaccination Clinic for Dogs and Cats, Old Augusta Firehouse (for more information check out “EVENTS” on the website or call 636-239-2745)

May 14 (Sunday)                               Happy Mother’s Day!

May 15 (Monday)                              Mail-in Deadline for “Best of Augusta” Photo Contest for ALL AGES

June 3 (Saturday)  9 – noon            Jazz Festival by Tim Kampen at the Harmonie Verien and Augusta Winery 

June 5 (Monday)  7:00 pm             Regular Town Board Meeting

June 9 (Friday)                                 Big Bam Bicycle Race (organized by Todd White)



6:30 pm  Certified Election Results:  3 Town Board positions were open;  3 people ran for office.  Congratulations to Ellen Knoernschild, Laura Miller, and Joe Buchheit on their re-election to the Town Board.

6:45 pm  Organizational Meeting:  Board Members kept their same positions.  Joe Buchheit as chairman; Ellen Knoernschild as treasurer; Laura Miller as Town Clerk; Randal Oaks as Director of Public Works; and Rick Barton as Tax Collector, Secretary, and Notary.  All newly elected Town Board members were duly sworn into office.


  • A possible playground that typifies Augusta’s history of steamboats and railroads was researched and presented by Randal Oaks.  A discussion followed about the uses of the Town Square, the focal point of the community.  A public meeting for input was suggested.  Look for a flyer in the mail for the date and time.
  • The Augusta Library landscaping bid for just under $1,500.00 was accepted.
  • The work of building a retaining wall at the History Museum will begin shortly:  $10,000.00 was allocated and approved.


Minutes May 1, 2023

Town of Augusta, Missouri

Dan Kemner Building


Trustees Present:

Joe Buchheit                   Chairman

Ellen Knoernschild         Treasurer

Laura Miller                   Clerk

Randal Oaks           Public Works

Rick Barton                    Secretary/Collector/Notary


Citizens Present: 11


Town Board meeting called to order at 7:00pm


  1. Minutes:

1.1   Motion made by Rick Barton to accept the Apr 3, 2023 Minutes as presented.

1.2   Seconded by Ellen Knoernschild and approved.

  1. Treasurer’s Report:

2.1   Motion made by Rick Barton to accept the Treasurer’s & Budget report for Apr 30, 2023 as presented.

2.2   Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.

  1. Checks: 12007 – 12035

3.1   Motion made by Rick Barton to approve checks 12007 – 12035 as written.

3.2   Seconded by Randal Oaks and approved.

  1. Collector’s Report:

4.1   Eff 4-14-23 $148.96 March 2023 collections

4.2   ck 1102 $25 Bus Lic Indian Creek 5593 Chestnut

4.3   ck 1128 $200 STR Permit Red Brick Inn

4.4   ck 1129 $25 Bus Lic Red Brick Inn

4.5   ck 3795 $10 Sign Permit Augusta Visitor Center

  1. Public Works:

5.1   John Ballman to commence work on the drain at the Town Park after Plein Air event is over.

5.2   Motion made by Joe Buchheit to have Bill Harrison to mow the common ground behind Patsy Baravik for $60.

5.3   Seconded by Ellen Knoernschild and approved.

5.4   Motion made by Rick Barton to allocate $4000 for High St tree and brush clean up.

5.5   Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.

5.6   Motion made by Rick Barton to approve CrossCut bid of $900 for Town weed control.

5.7   Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.

5.8   Motion made by Rick Barton to approve $1416.88

for Library landscape by Town & Country.

5.9   Seconded by Ellen Knoernschild and approved.

5.10 Motion made by Rick Barton to approve up to $10,000 to repair the retaining wall at the History Museum.

5.11 Seconded by Ellen Knoernschild and approved.

5.12 Motion made by Rick Barton to approve $1100 for a pallet of asphalt patch.

5.13 Seconded by Ellen Knoernschild and approved.

5.14 Randal Oaks presented computer illustrations to try to put together a plan for playground equipment at the Town Square for meeting discussion. There will be a Public Town meeting on 5/22/23 discussing the Town Square and equipment needed.



Committee Reports:

  1. Zoning and Planning:

6.1   Sign Permit 2023-03 Augusta Visitors Center needs approval.

6.2   Motion made by Rick Barton to approve Sign Permit 2023-03 Augusta Visitors Center.

6.3   Seconded by Ellen Knoernschild and approved.

6.4   Sign at the Hostel & Kickstand have not been taken down. The sign in front of the Hostel needs to have a sign permit application.

6.5   There was a suggestion made to have the stop sign at Jackson & Walnut removed.

  1. Chamber of Commerce:

        7.1   There was $107,000 on painting sold at the Plein Air event.

7.2   We had 125 Artist from 15 states that participated.

7.3   Discussion on Plein Air parking issues.

  1. Parks Committee: no report
  2. Farm Report: no report
  3. Museum Report:

10.1 Plant sale May 6, 2023 at the History Museum

10.2 Open House May 7, 2023.

10.3 Lighting issued behind the History Museum

  1. Tree Committee Reports: no report
  2. Open to Citizens: no sign ups
  3. Old Business:

13.1 Great Missouri Wine Race had 500 people participate in the event.

  1. New Business:

14.1 Reading of Bill by Title Only for Conditional Use Permit at 229 Lower to operate a Short Term Rental.

14.2 Clerk assigned Bill number 2023-08.

14.3 Bill 2023-08 read 2nd time by Title Only.

14.4 Motion made by Rick Barton to accept Bill 2023-08 as Ordinance 2023-08.

14.5 Seconded by Ellen Knoernschild and approved.

14.6 Gay Eskew report: “Best of Augusta” Photo Contest update

Several entries of Augusta will be coming from students in the Washington High School art class focusing on photography.  The teacher, Katie Borcherding, is promoting the contest to her students for this spring class and will continue to do so in each of her semester classes.

I’ve contacted others around Town, and Sarah Bayless from Augusta Elementary is also promoting the “all ages” contest.  I handed out entry forms to those taking pictures during the Plein Air.  Several others around Town have mentioned that they will enter the contest.  The deadline is May 15.  Judging will take place within a few days after the deadline.  Winners will be on the website, in the June Boone Country Connection, and in the library.

14.7 Motion made by Ellen Knoernschild to approve $1254 to Town & Country for cleaning and planting in the Museum Garden.

14.8 Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.


  1. Meeting adjourned at 10:10pm. Next meeting 06/05/2023 at 7:000pm






Respectfully Submitted:


Richard J. Barton




April 3, 2023 Town Meeting Highlights

All 5 Trustees Present                     Citizens Present: 14

Town of Augusta Calendar of Events

April 4 (Tuesday) 6 am – 7 pm        Election Day — VOTE      New Polling Place:  St. Paul UCC in Defiance

April 11 (Tuesday) 6:30 pm             Tell It Like It Was by Jan Mallinckrodt and Jennifer Speckhard

April 17 (Monday)                             Augusta Bulk Item Pick-up

April 20 – 29 (Thursday – Saturday)  Plein Air Art Festival – check out:  https://www.augustapleinair.com/events/category/2023-plein-air/                                                                                                April 29 (Saturday)       11:30 am  Award Presentations;     12 – 5 pm   Final Sale for Artists’ Paintings

May 1 (Monday)             6:30 pm   Election Results          7:00 pm  Regular Town Board Meeting 

May 13 (Saturday) 12 – 1 pm          Spring Vaccination Clinic for Dogs and Cats, Old Augusta Firehouse (for more information check out “EVENTS” on the website or call 636-239-2745)

May 15 (Monday)                              Mail-in Deadline for “Best of Augusta” Photo Contest for ALL AGES



*  The Spring Augusta Bulk Trash Pick-Up is scheduled for April 17, 2023.

*  Three Town Board candidates are on the ballot for the April 4 election:  Joe Buchheit, Ellen Knoernschild, and Laura Miller.  Vote in Defiance at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ.

*  The lease between the Greater Augusta Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Augusta at the Visitor’s Center was presented, discussed, and approved for renewal.  There was an increase in the monthly rent from $200 – $300.

The Donation from Friends of Augusta to the History Museum was read by title only (it was on the Town website for viewing) and went through the process to be approved.

*  Conditional Use Permit for 5593 Chestnut was approved.

*  Rezoning from Commercial to Residential at 5501 Locust was approved.

*  Deck was built behind the White House Cafe’ with tables and chairs set up.


Potholes are being repaired.  Randall Oaks had an illustration outlining the potholes to be repaired.  More asphalt needs to be ordered.  Thanks to Tom Whelan for volunteering to assist with the pothole repairs.

Street sweeper starts cleaning the town streets on April 5th.

*  Before anything can be done with the mailboxes behind the Post Office, the mailbox owners need to be contacted.  Randall Oaks received a quote for $800 from Town & Country for a 18 mailbox cedar frame.  The mailboxes are not included.


*  Randall Oaks presented diagrams of new ideas for the playground.

* Parts of the playground are expected to be completed by the September Harvest Festival.


* The April 29th Request for street closures on Walnut from Public to Jackson from 8 am – 5 pm was approved.

 * There are 78 assigned booths and a food truck available for the event.


*  Museum will be open April 23 from 12 – 4 pm.

*  Museum now has a WiFi hotspot installed.

Tell It Like It Was this month is hosted by Jan Mallinckrodt.

*  One of the shutters needs repair.  Damage was caused by high winds.


* Three sign permit applications were denied:  2 for the Hostel and 1 for the Kickstand.  The denials can be submitted to the Board of Appeals.

OPEN TO CITIZENS                                                     

* Don Simon discussed reinstating the Land Use Permit for the Hostel.

Town Website and Photo Contest report  by Gay Eskew:

Best of Augusta” Photo Contest scheduled deadline is May 15, 2023.  It is for all ages; anyone that can hold a camera.  Additional information is on the town website under “Photo Contests.”  Publicity for this contest is in the Boone Country Connection, through word of mouth, and notification of previous winners and entrants.  It will also be on the website and some simple posters will be printed up and distributed around Augusta.  Prizes are from Halcyon Spa and Quaint, Cozy & Quiet Airbnb.  Entry forms may be obtained on the website:  www.townofaugustamo.org.

The Town Website only has Events listed that are within the Augusta town limits.  For a complete listing of all of the Plein Air events, including those outside of Town, please go to the Plein Air website.


*  Report was approved.  Checks were approved.

Total Income & Sales Tax Revenue submitted by Ellen Knoernschild.

Capitol Improvement report submitted by Ellen Knoernschild.


* Eff 3-15-23 $433.50 Feb Collections

*  1 Short Term Rental Application ($200) Indian Creek Capital

* 16 Business Licenses (@ $25) for Halcyon (2), Augusta Glass Studio, Mike Delay, Hoffman Augusta Gallery, Hoffman Gas Station, Gator Tours, Mount Pleasant Winery, Kickstand, Augusta Winery, Augusta Wine & Beer Garden, Augusta Emporium, Augusta Clothing Store, and Hoffman Community Collective (3)

FARM REPORT  none submitted

TREE COMMITTEE REPORT:  none submitted


Complete Town Board Meeting Minutes are in the Augusta Library.