November 7, 2022 Town Board Meeting Highlights

SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING — November 7, 2022  (6:30 – 6:50 pm)

Motion was made to appoint Randall Oaks as Trustee to the Town of Augusta to assume the duties as Director of Public Works.  It was seconded and approved.  Randall Oaks was sworn in as Trustee.

REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING — November 7, 2022  (7:00 – 8:42 pm)

All 5 current Trustees present, including the newly sworn in Trustee:  Randall Oaks.

New Business:

1.)  Bill 2022-10 on Phase 2 of the Sidewalk Grant went through the process of being accepted as Ordinance 2022-10.


First Place is “Sunset in the Bottoms” by Nash Barron from Augusta with a prize of $30.00 from the Town Board.   Second Place is “Sad Little Window” by Kyra Flagg from Augusta with a prize of $25.00 from the Town Board.              Third Place is “Waterfall” by Cienna Doyle from Augusta with a prize of $20.00 from the Town Board.

Winning photographs are on the Town Website, in the November Boone Country Connection, and as enlargements in the Augusta Library.  A traveling display board with all of the photos is starting at Augusta Elementary School and will end up at the Library.

There were 30 plus entries from kids 12 & under.  Thank you to everyone who submitted a photo.  Congratulations Nash, Kyra, and Cienna.

Old Business

1.)  No updates on the Hoffman Family of Companies.

Open to Citizens:

1.)  Deanna Dothage presented pamphlets for the MU Economic Development MU Extension Program. Discussion followed.


Treasurer’s Report:

1.)  Treasurer’s Report and check expenditures were approved with the exception of one voided check.

2.)  Account Quick Report on ARPA Funds given by Ellen Knoernschild, Treasurer, from September 2021 through August 2022.  Motion made to accept the report.  It was seconded and approved.


1.)  No report.

Public Works:

1.)  There are three bids for the Library roof repair:  Shingle Tech for $17,156; Integrity Roofing for $17,025; and Hedrick Brothers for $20,856.  Motion made, seconded and approved to accept the bid of $20,856 from Hedrick Brothers for the Library roof repair.


Zoning & Planning: 

1.)  Zoning Commission submitted  8 sign permit applications for review and approval.  Seven were denied and one (2022-11) was approved.

2.)  Motion made, seconded, and approved to reimburse Bill & Debbie Schaeffer’s CUP Application fee of $250.

History & Museum:  No report submitted.

Chamber of Commerce:  

1.)  Getting ready for the Christmas Walk December 2nd and December 9.

2.)  December 3rd House Tour — 4 houses are on the Tour.

3.)  Trivia Night on December 10th — 10 tables are assigned.

4.)  The Chamber requests usage of the Ball Field on April 20th through April 30th.

Farm Report:   No report submitted.

Tree Committee:  No report submitted

Parks Committee:  No report submitted

Cemetery Committee:  No report submitted


November 13, 2022                 Christmas Decorating

November 28, 2022                 Zoning Commission Meeting on the Short-Term Rental Moratorium

December 2 & 9, 2022            Christmas Walk

December 5, 2022                    Town Board Meeting

December 15, 2022                  Town Board Meeting final discussion of the Short-Term Rental Moratorium

December 19, 2022                  Zoning Meeting to discuss the change to a multi-family dwelling at 5568 Chestnut

October 10, 2022 Town Board Meeting Minutes Highlights

REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING — October 10, 2022  (7:00 – 8:03 pm)

All 4 current Trustees present.

New Business:

1.)  Mt. Pleasant Winery drain discussion held. Jan Mallinckrodt voiced concerns about having to drive through Waste from the drain and awful smell. Joe Buchheit has been in contact with owners of the winery and measures are in process to take care of the situation.

2.)  Motion made and seconded to approve up to $10,000 for playground equipment.

3.)  KIDS’ “BEST OF AUGUSTA” PHOTO CONTEST:  There are 31 entries;  one mail-in and 30 from Augusta Elementary.  They are currently being judged with Lois Barton in charge.  The competition is fierce for 3 cash prizes.  May the best photos stand out as exemplary.  The November Boone Country Connection will display the winning photos with an article.

4.)  Moratorium Discussion held.  The Short Term Rental Moratorium is in effect until January 10, 2023. Final paperwork has to be sent to our Attorney for final review for approval.

Old Business

1.)  Miss Augusta is now operating and floating the Missouri River from the newly built Klondike dock.

2.)  New Coffee Shop now open for business.

Open to Citizens:

1.)  Butch Mays presented a Blood Drive flyer for 10/27/2022 from 1-6pm at the Augusta Fire House.

2.) Brandon Burdick asked questions about the Moratorium. Discussion followed.


Treasurer’s Report:

1.)  Treasurer’s Report and check expenditures were approved.


1.)  Eff 9-15-22:  $103.74 for August monthly collections.

2.)  Received Tax Rate Certification Letter 9-30-2022.

Public Works:

1.)  Received 1 bid for $2500 to paint the History Museum roof from John Wells. This will be discussed at the next meeting.


Zoning & Planning: 

1.)  Shaeffer Conditional Use Permit Application withdrawn and Oct 4th hearing cancelled.

2.)  Hearing with Board of Adjustments set for November 2nd for Harmonie Verein addition at 5333 Hackman Rd.

History & Museum:  No report submitted

Chamber of Commerce:  

1.)  Christmas Decorating set for Nov 13th

2.)  Chamber has in holding $15,000 so far for playground equipment.

3.)  Harvest Festival went very well. Good turnout.

Farm Report:

1.)  Backhaus Bros Farm payment of $41,055 is paid in full.

Tree Committee:  No report submitted

Parks Committee:  No report submitted

Cemetery Committee:  No report submitted


October 31, 2022                     Town Halloween Activities 

November 7, 2022                   Town Board Meeting  6:30 pm

November 13, 2022                 Christmas Decorating

December 2 & 9, 2022            Christmas Walk

September 12, 2022 Meeting Minutes Highlights


1.)  Motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the General Tax Rate of 0.1716 of $100 per assessed valuation.

2.)  Motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the Lights Tax Rate of 0.0857  of $100 per assessed valuation.


All 4 current Trustees present.  Citizens present:  18.

New Business:

1.)  Block Grant Program Bill 2022-07 went through the process of being read as a bill to being adopted as Ordinance 2022-07.

2.)  Moratorium Bill 2022-09 completed the process of being read as a bill to being adopted as Ordinance 2022-09.

Old Business

1.)  The Coffee Shop is open for business in the Emporium.

Open to Citizens:  no sign-ups


Treasurer’s Report:

1.)  Treasurer’s Report and check expenditures were approved.


1.)  Eff 8-15-22:  $35.74 for July monthly collections.

2.)  Business License (2 @ $25.00) for Augusta Home LLC and Indian Creek Capitol.

3.)  Conditional Use Permit ($500.00) for Bill and Debbie Schaffer

4.)  Land Use Permit ($50.00) for Harmonie Verein.

Public Works:

1.)  Bids given for addressing trees with limbs hanging: 1 bid for $6,700 and 1 bid for $4,200.  Placed on hold.

2.)  Motion made to approve the Bid for $900 to remove a dead tree at Jeanne Abbott’s Residence on the town right of way.

3.)  Motion made and approved for $21,000 for roof repair at the Library.  Motion made and approved for $1,000 for an Asphalt pallet to be delivered.

4.)  Motion made and approved for $2000 to fix 3 doors at the History Museum.

5.)  Park sign illustrations presented by Laura Miller and discussed.

6.)  Acquisition Letters are being sent out to Home Owners with information on the side walk construction.  Motion made and approved to move forward with Phase II of the Sidewalk Grant.

Zoning & Planning: 

1.)  Public Hearing request set for Oct 4, 2022 for Bill and Debbie Shaffer on Conditional Use Permit.

2.)  Pending Land Use Permit for Harmonie Verein.

3.)  There are 8 signs in Town without Permits all of which are Hoffman Properties. Notification being sent to Hoffman Properties by Zoning Commission.

History & Museum:  No report submitted

Chamber of Commerce:  

1.)  Harvest Festival is this weekend, September 17.

2.)  Street Closure request for the Harvest Festival was submitted and approved.

3.)  Motion was made, seconded, and approved for the horse and carriage street closure.

Farm Report:

1.)  Ellen Knoernschild will call about the farm check.

Other Committees:

Tree Committee:  No report submitted

Parks Committee:  No report submitted

Cemetery Committee:  No report submitted

“Best of Augusta” Photo Contest:

1.)  The Kids’ “Best of Augusta” Photo Contest is scheduled.  An article in the September Boone Country Connection explains the contest.  The art teacher at Augusta Elementary is assisting with entries.  The deadline is September 30.  Judging is again being handled by Lois Barton.  Cash prizes by the Town for the kids include:  First Place = $30.00, Second Place = $25.00, and Third Place = $20.00.  Thank you for supporting this creative outlet for the area’s kids 12 and under.  (by Gay Eskew)



September 16-17, 2022          Swinging in the Vines and the Augusta Harvest Festival

September 30, 2022               Kids’ “Best of Augusta” Photo Contest deadline

October 3, 2022                       Town Board Meeting  7:00 pm  (Moved to October 10, 2022.)