Minutes from April 8, 2024 Town Board Meeting

MINUTES April 8, 2024  (First Meeting)

Special Meeting Election Results

Town of Augusta Missouri

Dan Kemner Building


Trustees Present:

Joe Buchheit               Chairman               

Ellen Knoernschild        Treasurer   

Laura Miller                   Clerk

Randal Oaks                  Public Works                 

Rick Barton                    Secretary/Collector

 Citizens Present:  3

Time: 6:30pm      

 Town Board Meeting Election Results

 Election Results Town of Augusta Board of Trustees as follows:

          1.1 Randal Oaks  23 votes

          1.2 Rick Barton   21 votes      

 Motion made by Rick Barton to accept the St. Charles County Election results from the April 2, 2024 Election as read.

 Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.    

 Meeting closed at 6:34pm


Special Meeting  (Second Meeting)

Town of Augusta Missouri

Dan Kemner Building

 Trustees Present:

Joe Buchheit                   Chairman                

Ellen Knoernschild        Treasurer

Laura Miller                   Clerk

Randal Oaks                  Public Works

Rick Barton          Secretary/Collector

 Citizens Present: 3

Time: 6:34pm      

 Town Board Meeting Organization

 Town Trustee duties assigned as follows:

          1.1     Joe Buchheit           Chairman

          1.2     Ellen Knoernschild Treasurer

          1.3     Randal Oaks          Director Public Works

          1.4     Laura Miller       Clerk

          1.5     Rick Barton        Secretary/Collector/Notary

 Motion made by Rick Barton to accept the Town Trustee Organization duties.

          2.1     Seconded by Randal Oaks and approved.

 Special meeting closed at 6:35pm.    


Minutes April 8, 2024  (Third Meeting)

Town of Augusta, Missouri

Dan Kemner Building

Trustees Present:

Joe Buchheit                   Chairman

Ellen Knoernschild         Treasurer

Laura Miller                   Clerk

Randal Oaks           Public Works

Rick Barton                    Secretary/Collector/Notary

Citizens Present: 9

Town Board meeting called to order at 7:00pm

  1. Minutes: 3/11/2024

1.1   Motion made by Rick Barton to accept the 3/11/2024 Minutes as presented.

1.2   Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.

  1. Treasurer’s and Budget Report: 3/31/2024

2.1   Motion made by Rick Barton to accept the Treasurer’s & Budget report for 3/31/2024 as presented.

2.2   Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.

  1. Checks: 12428 – 12450

3.1   Motion made by Rick Barton to approve checks 12428 – 12450 as written.

3.2   Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.

  1. Collector’s Report:

4.1 Eff 3-15-24 February collections $6139.85

4.2 ck 1118 $50 Indian Creek LLC 2 Bus Licenses

  1. Public Works:

5.1   Town Square up date given by Randal Oaks.

5.2   Town Square fence completed. Looks good.

5.3   Suggestion to add a second Arbor.

5.4   Drain at Lower and Main needs repair.

5.5   Motion made by Rick Barton to allocate $1500 for

Drain repair at Lower and Main.

5.6   Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.

Committee Reports

  1. Zoning and Planning: no report at this time.

7. Chamber of Commerce:

        7.1   Motion made by Rick Barton to accept the street closure request for the Plein Air Event.

        7.2   Seconded by Randal Oaks and approved.

  1. Farm Report: no report at this time.

9. Museum Report:

9.1   Kitchen door weather strip need repaired.

9.2   Tell it Like it Was April 9th

9.3   Plant Sale May 4th

  1. Tree Committee Report: no report at this time.
  2. Old Business: no report at this time.
  3. New Business:

12.1 Augusta 4 C’s LLC Annexation to the Town of Augusta.

12.2 Motion made by Rick Barton to accept 4 C’s LLC letter of request to Annex 59.01 acres to the Town of Augusta.

12.3 Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.

  1. Open to Citizens:

13.1 Ginny Mezei discussed Emergency Management and presented detailed diagram of Operations. Good job.

  1. Gay Eskew Report:

14.1 Congratulations to Rick Barton and Randal Oaks on their respective election wins to member seats on the Town Board.

“Best of Augusta” Photo Contest

What are some fun things to do in Augusta?  What makes visiting or living in this town so unique?  Try to capture these thoughts through Kodak moments.  Up to 4 photos will be selected for Town postcards.  Take your best shot!

This contest for all ages ends at the end of the month.  Photo contest entries need to arrive at the Augusta Post Office by Monday, May 6.

  1. Meeting adjourned at pm. Next meeting 5/6/2024 at 6:30pm

Respectfully Submitted:

Richard J. Barton
