Town Board Meeting Official Minutes on July 1, 2023

Minutes July 1, 2024

Town of Augusta, Missouri

Dan Kemner Building

Trustees Present:

Joe Buchheit                   Chairman

Ellen Knoernschild         Treasurer

Laura Miller                   Clerk

Randal Oaks           Public Works

Rick Barton                    Secretary/Collector/Notary

Citizens Present: 7

Town Board meeting called to order at 6:30pm

  1. Minutes: 6/3/2024

1.1   Motion made by Rick Barton to accept the 6/3/2024 Minutes w/correction as presented.

1.2   Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.

  1. Treasurer’s and Budget Report: 6/30/2024

2.1   Motion made by Rick Barton to accept the Treasurer’s and Budget report for 6/30/2024 as presented.

2.2   Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.

  1. Checks: 12516 – 12555

3.1   Motion made by Rick Barton to approve checks 12516 – 12555 as written.

3.2   Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.

  1. Collector’s Report:

4.1   Eff 6-14-24 $99.23 May monthly collections.

4.2   Ck 5796 $50 L.U.P Trumac Fiberglass for 5340 Hackman, Blue Haven Pools

4.3   Ck 1065 $10 Sign Permit S2024-04 The Cottage.

4.4   Ck 1374 $12,275 1st Farm check Backhaus Bros.

Public Works:

5.1   On the Go called 7/1 Yard Waste dumpster.

5.2   Walnut & Lower sidewalk repair delay due to weather.

5.3   Irrigation not yet completed at Town Square.

5.4   Hedrick Bros Library gutter guards bid $950

5.5   Motion made by Rick Barton to approve $1000 for Hedrick Bros to fix Library gutter guards

5.6   Seconded by Laura Miller and approved.

5.7   Motion made by Rick Barton to approve $1500 for drain system repair at Rail Road and Public St.

5.8   Seconded by Randal Oaks and approved.

5.9   Motion made by Rick Barton to approve an additional $6000 to the already approved $12,500 for a total of $18,500 to Amish County for Gazebo.

5.10 Seconded by Randal Oaks and approved.

5.11 Motion made by Rick Barton to approve $14,000 for underground electric installation at the Town Square and Gazebo,

5.12 Seconded by Randal Oaks and approved.

Committee Reports:

  1. Zoning and Planning:

6.1   Sign Permit S2024-04 215 Jackson The Cottage

6.2   Motion made by Rick Barton to approve Sign Permit 2024-04 The Cottage.

6.3   Seconded by Randal Oak and approved.

6.4   C.U.P 2024-01 5340 Hackman

6.5   Motion made by Rick Barton to approve Conditional Use Permit 2024-01 at 540 Hackman.

6.6   Seconded by Randal Oaks and approved.

Chamber of Commerce:

        7.1   July 26th is Movie night showing “The Boys & The Boat.

        7.2   Food Truck July 15th

        7.3   Chamber meeting July 15th

        7.4   Harvest Festival prep  in process.

  1. Farm Report:

8.1   Town received 1st Farm check $12,275

  1. Museum Report:

9.1   Shutter still missing

9.2   Museum meeting July 11th

9.3   Volunteers needed to pull weeds


  1. Tree Committee Report: no report
  2. Old Business:

11.1 Sidewalk Grant update given by Joe Buchheit

  1. New Business:

12.1 Nothing to report

  1. Open to Citizens:

13.1 Ginny Messei attended a CERT meeting and shared information about the book “The Unthinkable.

 Gay Eskew Report:

14.1″Best of Augusta” Photo Contest report

Postcard photo entries final deadline is July 31.

September contest focusing on the Augusta Harvest Festival on September 21 and all things autumn with scenery and activities deadline is the last day of the month.

October contest for kids 12 & under focuses on fall people, places, and things in Augusta.  Deadline is October 31.

Town of Augusta website report

Is the Events page on the website being viewed?  Or is social media the choice of upcoming events?  How do you get your event information?  Taking an informal survey.  Is some way to track the number of views that the Events page receives?

Still working on updates to the website.

  1. Meeting adjourned at 8:07pm. Next meeting 8/5/2024 at 6:30pm

Respectfully Submitted:

Richard J. Barton
